Since we announced My Diligence and Wolvennest, we have chained the announcements of groups coming to strengthen the line up!
First, the Durbuy Rock contests are now complete and we know the winners. Ice Sealed Eyes, Obsolete Humanity and One Hour each won a spot to open the festival. Ice Sealed Eyes and One Hour will be on Friday. Obsolete Humanity will kick off hostilities on Saturday.
So far, we had announced 3 French bands with Drakwald, Gronibard and Rise Of The Northstar. We have since doubled the bet! Psykup, Barbar’O’Rhum and Bukowski will join forces with other French artists to resonate with their “blue, white, rage” sound!
A first at Durbuy Rock: Combichrist! With nearly 20 years of career, 9 albums and 12 eps, the Norwegian band concocts a special Oldschool show to immerse themselves in their classics. We are proud to be able to offer them to you.
Finally, another novelty announced today: Belphegor! Another first for Durbuy Rock. Since 1993, Belphegor has been spreading its poisonous black/death through the veins of an audience that is ever more committed to the cause of the Austrian group. The band is marching on the metal planet and we are thrilled to be on their way!
Stay connected with our social networks to discover the latest names that will soon join the line-up of this exceptional 26th edition!
The line up keeps filling up!
30 November 2022